What is Alchemical Healing?
Alchemical healing begins with a process of looking within. It begins by looking into the darkness. A descent as opposed to a transcendence. It is the art of working with the soul, the subtle body, the non material aspect of our humanity, our emotions, feelings, values, in order to come closer to one's most authentic self. It leaves nothing out, treasures irritating symptoms, chronic pain, obsessions and compulsions as raw material of transformational processes.
Alchemy is a process and takes time. It follows the natural order for each patient individually, avoids expectations, views chaos and surprise as openings through which new possibilities can emerge. The process is just as crucial as the outcome, it does not fix something broken or something lost but supports transformation. The work is not linear, it is multidimensional, a new consciousness structure begins to show itself. It is based on the mythical rather than rational logic.
The work is always relational. I am always working together with the patient in relationship, forming a safe vessel to create change. It is about fully integrating the mind, body and spirit.
"All transformation happens in the body, at the present moment", says Lorie Dechar, my mentor. The tools that are used to help guide the process is acupuncture, embodied practices like focusing and inner sensing, deep breathing, essential oils, flower essences and moxibustion. As well as active imagination, meditation and visualization to move qi and create support.
Alchemical healing is most helpful with psychosomatic or psychoemotional manifestations. For example feelings of being stuck, working through a trauma, overwhelmed, sad, worried or anxious. Sometimes it's just an intuition of wanting to go deeper. Ultimately, Alchemical Healing helps create the conditions for something to arise from the Tao (the natural order).